The Home of the Brave
By, Reauna Walker
Age: 15
In school, we learned rights
In school, we learn our amendments
But I never learned about social justice
I knew about slavery
Yeah, I knew about the hurt
400 years ago
A long time ago
I didn’t know this would still be a problem on this earth
One day a man named Scott, 43, was sitting in the car
Waiting on his son to come back from school
Next thing you know
The police show up
They tell him to put down the weapon
But there is no weapon
Next thing you know
Three shots go off
He didn’t know
He’ll lose his life that night
It’s like he lost all his rights
That night
But we’ll stick up and we’ll put up a fight
Because of the injustice
I don’t know but it kinda feels like we’re a disgrace to our country
But it’s the place we call home
The place our ancestors broke they backs to built
But how is it the land of the free?
But nothing in life free
And nothing in life comes easy
Now all we got
Now we have
Everyone hurting
Like Zionna
Crying about case
About Scott
She didn’t even know the man
Now it makes the youth scared
How does that feel?
In one word I’ll say hopeless
Like Zionna said that’s a shame
But I’ll say
It’s the Home of the Brave