The HIV Awareness Documentary “The Wake Up Call” produced by Reading RAMM Academy’s Executive Director Edward “DJ Phatty” Banks and Co-produced by the Call & Post’s Rhonda Crowder; features Lisa Michelle Fair, The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland HIV Awareness Coordinator and the Garden Valley Neighborhood House Interim Director, Jan Ridgeway.
With significant contributions from Career Coach Mr. Michael Tall and his Y.O.U. community service students at John F. Kennedy High School involved in the “H.I.V. Awareness Campaign”, coupled with original creative performances by Tatiana Meadows (JFK High School) and Alexis Marion (Shaw High School); this youth focused documentary will put a face to a deadly disease that plagues young people, especially young people of minority races and ethnicities.
“The Wake Up Call” premiered at The Call and Post’s World AIDS Day Event at the new Cleveland Convention Center. Due to the high H.I.V. rate in the Lee-Harvard community, JFK students have focused on this deadly virus the last 3 years.