State Testing Reinforcement
State Testing Reinforcement is a proven multimedia project based learning tool that motivates children to focus on reading while simultaneously introducing multimedia as a method to strengthen and incorporate academic skill sets relative to the statewide indicators that are deemed the greatest need based on pre and post tests based administered at the onset of programming.
Social Emotional Learning Projects
Social Emotional Learning Projects takes a non-traditional approach to learning, through the use of project-based learning as the engine using multimedia as the fuel. Reading RAMM professionals have proven to improve school culture and academics utilizing a holistic student and teacher focused SEL approach to improve conditions for learning.
Success Society
Success Society is an organized group of scholars and educators who collaborate to celebrate academic excellence and achievement through various events throughout the school year and out of school time. Through the use of project-based learning, A New Me teen summit workshops, and access to community resources and field trips; Success Society will equip and empower young people with the five core competencies of Social Emotional Learning to develop high self-esteem, social awareness, build relationship skills, and improve decision making skills.
The Youth Renaissance
The Youth Renaissance is a project based social studies and civics program with embedded social emotional themes that follows a youth centered documentary series that reveals the birth of a movement to re-engage youth culture and education.
This program highlights the voices of actual students and their perceptions of the culture in which they live. Students are given activities based on several social movements that shaped history and compare them to current social trends.